Second Social Secretary for 24/25

  • Benchball Society

Election Information

We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic, passionate, and (most importantly) dedicated to Benchball to be our second Social Secretary! You will be working alongside Becky to help organise and run the socials for Term 2 and 3, as well as the summer ball, so you must be good at communicating and managing your time. Types of things you will do are:

  • Contacting businesses to organise a social (restaurants, pubs etc.)
  • Co-ordinating with the Publicity Sec and Treasurer for social advertising and ensuring the management of expenses. 
  • Co-ordinating with the President to ensure activities are covered in the risk-assessments
  • Co-ordinating with the Vice President to create FIXR tickets 

Social secretary is an important role in the committee, as it allows everyone to meet up outside of sessions to have fun and make friends, which is very rewarding to watch. There are also benefits to being on committee, such as contributing to benchball decisions, being able to add it to your CV, networking opportunities, and so much more (like free stash…).

The election timeline is:

  • Nomination opens Tuesday 19th November at 17:00
  • Nominations close Saturday 23rd November 23:59
  • Voting opens Sunday 24th November 12:00
  • Voting closes Thursday 28th November 17:30
  • Results will be announced at the Thursday session (6-7pm at the Covered Courts). 
Election Positions

Social Secretary

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 24 Nov 12:00 - 28 Nov 17:29

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