BSoc Elections 2023/24
Bangla Society
Salaam all! As we come to the end of this academic year, we close the curtains on this year's BSOC committee! But do not fret, for we have opened the elections for next year's committee for a society y'all probably forgot about. Apply now for this one in a lifetime opportunity that will look amazing on your CV. Recruiters will love your enthusiasm. And more importantly, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman will be proud for you to be carrying the hopes of his nation.
Elects 1 Role
Voting available from 24 May 12:00 - 28 May 21:00
General Secretary
Elects 1 Role
Voting available from 24 May 12:00 - 28 May 21:00
Social Media Secretary
Elects 1 Role
Voting available from 24 May 12:00 - 28 May 21:00
Elects 1 Role
Voting available from 24 May 12:00 - 28 May 21:00