ExeTech - 2024/25 Annual Committee Election

Social Secretary

Runs from 5 Jun 2024 19:00 until 7 Jun 2024 23:59

Voting has ended

Position Information

The Social Secretary is responsible for organising social events and managing ExeTech’s publicity and social media pages.  The priority for this role is to engage with members, create a community atmosphere and ensure members are getting the most out of their time with ExeTech.  The Social Secretary should work with members to determine what types of socials are wanted, and then work to deliver them.  This will mean writing up risk assessments and communicating with the Treasurer if socials need funding.  As part of the publicity for ExeTech, the Social Secretary should make posts before any events with time and location details, and then take photos and videos during the socials and training sessions to post them on ExeTech’s social media pages.  Finally, the Social Secretary will be encouraged to take on a leading role during Fresher’s Week and they should work with the President in the preceding weeks to maximise ExeTech’s engagement and visibility.  Candidates should be approachable, highly motivated, and creative. 

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