By-election to elect a Media & Publicity Officer and an Events Officer

  • Green Party Society

Election Information

Dear Members,

As set out in the Green Party Society constitution upon its formation in March 2023, we will be running a by-election to elect two unfilled positions within the Committee. You will receive an email with a Notice of  By-election today outlining the process of this election and the key dates. As a reminder, nominations will open at 12:00 on Wednesday 11 October 2023 with votes opening on Thursday 19 October, and closing at 12:00 on Sunday 22 October.

On Wednesday 11 October, you will be sent a Nominations Form. Please prepare a short statement explaining why you are applying for the role and what you think makes you a good fit. Please also provide an image of yourself as per the Student Guild guidelines (similar to your Student ID photo).

The expectations of the roles as set out in our constitution are as follows:

Media & Publicity Officer

  1. The Media & Publicity Officer will be a new committee role for the 2023-24 academic year with the responsibilities undertaken by the President until someone has been elected to the role.
  2. They shall be responsible for the Society’s social media, ensuring that all events are publicised, images of events are posted, and messages sent to the Society’s social media accounts are addressed.
  3. They shall oversee the Society’s social media accounts, updating them frequently and working closely with the President on this matter.
  4. They shall create a house style carried across all the Society’s social media accounts, ensuring this is maintained to deliver a professional image of the Society.

Events Officer 

  1. The Events Officer will be a new committee role for the 2023-24 academic year with the responsibilities undertaken by the President until someone has been elected to the role. 
  2. The Events Officer will work closely with the President to organise events including but not limited to external visitors relevant to the Green Party, green politics, environmentalism, green initiatives, or any other visitor deemed relevant to the Society.
  3. They shall work closely with the Media & Publicity Officer to promote any such event.  
  4. They shall be responsible for organising ticketing for larger events and will work closely with the Social Secretary (currently the President and the Welfare Secretary) on this matter.

We would encourage you to apply for a role on the Committee! If you have any questions regarding this election, please email Thomas at 

As a society member, at any time if you feel this election is not being run fairly, you can submit a query to the Activities Team at and they will get in touch to discuss next steps.

Best wishes,

Committee, University of Exeter Green Party Society 

Election Positions

Media & Publicity Officer

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 19 Oct 12:00 - 22 Oct 12:00

Events Officer

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 19 Oct 12:00 - 22 Oct 12:00

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