GP Society By-election 2024
GP Society
Thank you so much for your interest in being a part of Exeter GP Society.
This is our by-election 2024 to elect a Secretary and Events Coordinator for the year 2024/2025. Please see our guild webpage or instagram account for more information on each of these roles.
Joining Exeter GP Society is a fantastic opportunity not only for developing and sharing your interest in a future career in general practice with other medical students, but also for networking and CV development opportunities.
We look forward to receiving your nomination, and if you have any questions about the election or any of the roles please do not hesitate to get in touch - either message through our social media or email us at
Many thanks
Elects 1 Role
Voting available from 20 Sep 0:00 - 23 Sep 23:59
Events Coordinator
Elects 1 Role
Voting available from 20 Sep 0:00 - 23 Sep 23:59