Vegetarian and Vegan Society Annual Election 2024/2025

  • Vegetarian and Vegan Society

Election Information

Apply for Vegsocs 24/25 committee! Being on Vegsoc committees so much fun and an amazing opportunity to be involved in running relaxed events and meeting new people with similar interests! (as well as looking great on a cv)🌱

The nomination period will open on the 27/5 at 8am and close on the 31/5 at 11am.

Voting will be open from the 31/6 until the 4/6

Belows a brief description of each role, but please get in contact with any current committee with any questions you may at all have regarding elections! 💚


  • Head of the society and welcoming face at all events
  • Leading role in organising events, communication, and committee meetings
  • Ensures socials run smoothly and the society is a welcoming space
  • Responsible for responding to welfare inquires
  • Delegates tasks between committee members


  • Responsible for the society's finances
  • Ensures all costs are within budget and accounts are appropriately managed
  • Handles invoicing for events

Publicity Secretary

  • Responsible for creating the society's promotional material for socials and campaigns
  • Promotes all events on social media
  • Works alongside the wider committee to ensure all information is correct and accessible

Social Secretary

  • Organises events and ensures there are regular activities for members to get involved with
  • Communicates with restaurants, cafes, and other places that socials may be held
  • Works with the wider committee to communicate ideas and plans, promote events, and ensure finances are handled responsibly

Campaigns Officer

  • Responsible for activism and awareness
  • Keeps members up-to-date with news related to sustainability and veganism
  • Organises charity events and ensures the society has a presence within the university
  • Works with wider organisations to push for changes on campus


Election Positions


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 31 May 13:00 - 4 Jun 13:00


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 31 May 13:00 - 4 Jun 13:00

Social secretary

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 31 May 13:00 - 4 Jun 13:00

Campaigns officer

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 31 May 13:00 - 4 Jun 13:00

Publicity secretary

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 31 May 13:00 - 4 Jun 13:00

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