Campus Bands General Election

  • Campus Bands

Election Information

It's time to elect the new Campus Bands committee for the next academic year, 2023/2024! Nominate yourself if you would like to be a candidate for any of our 7 available positions and please don't hesitate to contact committee if you have any questions about what it's like to be on committee or what a specific role entails. If you decide to run, you will need to come up with a manifesto (preferably create a document we can send to our members so everyone is clear on what your goals and plans are) and present it at our AGM on May 25th with a short speech on why our members should vote for you for the specific position you are running for (candidates are allowed to run for more than 1 position if they'd like to). Being on committee is incredibly fun and rewarding, so please get involved and may the best candidates win!

Election Positions


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59

Vice President

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59

Marketing and Publicity Secretary

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59

Social Secretary

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59

Welfare Secretary

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 25 May 22:00 - 1 Jun 23:59

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