ShakeCo. 2024/25 AGM


Runs from 15 May 2024 18:00 until 18 May 2024 23:59

Voting has ended

Position Information

I’ve loved being treasurer this year as it has been so rewarding to see such amazing shows staged after the technicality involved in producing a budget and sticking to it. As a treasurer of a society looking to eventually take shows to some of the larger venues in Exeter, the main aim is longevity and ensuring a profit at the end of every show whilst maintaining quality and accessibility. A treasurer must be good with numbers and spreadsheets and ensure that invoices and payments are made on time whilst ensuring that each creative member stays within their budget. The most important part of being a treasurer is the funding applications which take time and require good creative writing and persuasion. This role has taught me the financial behind-the-scenes of what makes a T@E show happen. The role doesn’t stop there however as being a treasurer, like with any other member of the committee, means having a voice on what opportunities and shows the society produces. It has taught me a lot and I shall take many of the financial skills into the future. I would recommend this role to any year.

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