Voting has ended
The role of the production supervisor is aimed to be a supportive yet fulfilling role for the committee and productions which take place throughout the year. Your role as a production supervisor is to (believe it or not) supervise productions! This includes being the committee voice of communication on the production team for each show put on throughout the year, acting as a source of aid for any questions that creative or production team members may have for committee and assisting the production of the show closely. Therefore, helping ensure the smoothest, stress-free environment for cast, creatives, and prod as possible by being that helping hand for whoever may need it. Additionally, Production Supervisors help support other jobs with other members of committee, such as helping conduct interviews for creative and production roles, drafting emails, sitting on audition panels, and more. Our favourite part of being on committee this year has been getting to work closely and spend lots of time with friends in other committee roles, and also seeing so much talent and getting to help decide on what productions Shakeco will be putting on throughout the year. We advise this role would be suitable for somebody that has not been on committee before as it is a great opportunity to learn about how the committee operates whilst still maintaining important, yet manageable, jobs for the role.