2024 EUTCo Committee

Vice-President & Welfare Officer

Runs from 23 May 2024 9:00 until 31 May 2024 12:00

Voting has ended

Position Information

Vice-President & Welfare Officer is a dual role, which means you can really make it your own! As VP you will aid the President in anything that they need help with - this could range from leading a meeting in their absence to more admin-based tasks. Good communication and organisation are key skills here, as you should be up-to-date with all aspects of EUTCo in order to fully assist the President. In terms of Welfare, you will act as the first port of call for any wellbeing issues that arise, be that from committee, cast, prod or creative teams. It is essential that you are approachable, empathetic, and caring in this role, as members of EUTCo need to feel like they can rely on you for support. It is also important to have a good knowledge of wellbeing services, as this role often requires signposting students to relevant resources. You will also be responsible for mediating any conflicts that arise, and must be discreet and sensitive in dealing with confidential issues.

Day-to-day responsibilities include:

  • Making the agendas for our weekly committee meetings, and taking minutes at these meetings
  • General admin: e.g. keeping on top of emails, organising meetings, making auditions sign-up forms
  • Assisting the President in representing EUTCo, in terms of cross-society relations and the Guild
  • Regularly checking in on the welfare of our members, and leading meetings with individuals if necessary
  • Organising and leading welfare check-in sessions for each committee member, at the beginning and end of each term
  • Signposting and sharing mental health and wellbeing services to our members
  • Being a ‘general’ committee member: attending events, meetings, rehearsals and workshops
  • Reminder: you are not a therapist! Listen, support, and signpost.

Above all else, this role requires leading with compassion. If you do that, you can’t go wrong! Being on committee is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, and I’ve loved every second of it. If you have any questions about the role, please feel free to drop me a message. Good luck to whoever’s next - I’m sure you’ll smash it!

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