2024 EUTCo Committee

  • Exeter University Theatre Company

Election Information


  1. Nominations open on Weds 8th May at 8am, you will need to nominate yourself for the position(s) you want to run for.
  2. Nominations close on Weds 22nd May at 11pm.
  3. Please fill in the election form with:
    • Your full name
    • A photo (if you would like it to be included)
    • A manifesto, 500-800 words
      • Any relevant experience 
      • Why EUTCo
      • Why you would be good in this role
      • Any ideas you have
  • If you are running for a position with someone, please complete the form as a pair.

After you have nominated yourself, you will be asked to:

  1. Attend the EUTCo AGM at 1pm on the 23rd May (location tbd). At the AGM you will be asked questions from the current committee and any other society members present. If you can’t make this date then you can still stand in the election, get in contact with us and we will make alternative arrangements. Voting will begin the following day at 9am and close on 31st May at 12:00pm.

If you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to contact our Returning Officers: Oisin Maguire and Olivia Hollreiser (om373@exeter.ac.uk and oh335@exeter.ac.uk)



As a EUTCo Committee member, you will be responsible for ensuring the Aims and Objectives of the society are met. These are: 

  1. Provide a platform for students to get involved with acting, directing, producing, stage-managing, and creating a range of professional-quality contemporary theatre throughout the year.
  2. Produce a diverse and wide-ranging programme of shows; both to improve the inclusion of diverse stories in our programme and also to provide enough different opportunities for students to get involved with.
  3. Provide exciting and engaging opportunities for all members, even if they are not involved in a production. For example, with socials, industry professional-led workshops, and welfare initiatives.

You will also be required to attend a weekly Committee meeting, as well as complete tasks specific to your role.

Election Positions


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 24 May 9:00 - 31 May 12:00

Vice-President & Welfare Officer

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 12:00


Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 23:00

Production Supervisor (x2)

Elects 2 Roles

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 23:00

Company Stage Manager

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 23:00

Publicity Officer

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 12:00

Events Manager

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 12:00

Northcott Producer

Elects 1 Role

Voting available from 23 May 9:00 - 31 May 12:00

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