Voting has ended
EUTCo Events Manager is responsible for supervising the fundraising and events teams for each show, as well as those for the society. You will work closely with the Treasurer and the Publicity Officer on committee, and the fundraising teams of shows to help plan and organise fundraising events, crowdfunders and socials. It is your role to work with the Treasurer to ensure that you are financially on track to raise enough money for the show. You are also responsible for submitting events online to fixr and organising the release of tickets as well as keeping track of sales.
The commitment level for this role comes in waves. When nearing a fundraiser, the workload naturally increases as you are working to a firm deadline, but in between, the role mainly consists of filling in gaps wherever that might be within the committee, whether that’s general admin, the instagram or just bringing biscuits to committee meetings!
The role of Events Manager allows you to meet many different people, get close with the committee and gives you the freedom to put on exciting events for our society! It requires you to be enthusiastic and supportive of the teams you are working with. It’s definitely a rewarding role as you get to see your ideas come to life.