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Rethinking Society Standard Membership £2.00
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Our aims and objectives:
- Be a co-operative for learning. This isn't about going from one opinion to another, but instead adding nuance to your own.
- Hold weekly Rethinking sessions to establish a space for empathetic discourse within a friendly, welcoming community, covering a wide range of topics, including political, philosophical and more chilled out themes.
- Hold regular engaging socials, as well as “Post-thinks” at the Ram.
- Engage in constructive and respectful discussions without insult or hostility. Zero tolerance for hate speech and discriminative ideology (e.g. racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism).
- Provide a platform for a multitude of ideas that would offer the opportunity to inform yourself of alternative perspectives and critically challenge your opinions.
- Uphold freedom of speech by ensuring mutual respect between individuals.
- Challenge binary modes of thinking and encourage good-faith arguments.
- Regular open-floor assemblies where all attendees have an equal, valued position to raise concerns and posit ideas, in conversation with others. The goal is for a democratic society that directly reflects the desires of the community. This includes socials and spending allocation, topics, session structure, collaborations etc.
The Rethinking Society was established in 2016 by individuals from a broad range of subject areas. Diversity of opinions, ideas and experiences is at our very core. We welcome students from all areas of interest and levels of study. There are no prerequisites for attendance, we just ask you to keep an open mind and be willing to be exposed to a diverse range of ideas.
We meet once a week to discuss broad topics, such as "Drugs", “Terrorism”, “Fashion”, “Spirituality” and many more. Anyone is free to contribute to the discussion, but if you would prefer, feel free to just come along and listen. :)
We are a pluralist society, with a focus on empathy and critical thought. We are not a debating society. We realise that debates are not simply black and white and cannot be resolved by a “for” and “against”. Discussion allows for fluidity, and creates an environment that promotes self-growth and understanding.
Bring your ideas, knowledge, and passionate opinions to life - join us to “Rethink” them!