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South Asian Society

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About Us

South Asian Society is a vibrant collaboration of cultures from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan & the Maldives. We aim to bring people from different communities together to create a fun environment where we can play games, sing, dance, cook together and teach each other about the roots of our traditions and cultures.

South Asian Society aims to bring together cultures from states and countries that are currently under-represented and don't have any societies yet. We have noticed that there is no Malayali, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Sinhalese, Nepali, Afghani, Bhutan or Maldivian societies due to there being not enough people to initiate one. There are now a larger number of students belonging to these groups that attend the university and are constantly growing with no real representation. Therefore we decided that making this society will gather everyone from these communities and allow us to celebrate our cultures together. 

Our main aims and objectives are:

To learn and embrace the diversity of different cultures

To provide a welcoming and homely environment 

To forge new friendships through social events  

To encourage a positive, supportive and respectful environment to discuss matters that impact the world and our communities

To promote diversity, equality and peace

To enhance cross-cultural understanding 

To have fun and fully enjoy the university experience together

With South Asian Society, we want to focus primarily on the smaller communities so we can celebrate our own festivals, cook our traditional foods, sing our cultural songs which will allow freshers especially to feel like they are at home. Bringing light to our roots and enjoying these social activities with our friends will help us revive our cultures which we feel are quite non-existent in this university. 

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