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Students of Colour Association

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About Us

Welcome to the Students of Colour Association, commonly known as the SCA.

SCA promotes the inclusivity, social mobility and well-being of all minority students at the University of Exeter. While cultural societies exist, we are the only society which is uniquely dedicated to supporting ethnic minorities from all backgrounds and cultures - the proud character that defines who we are.

From the moment you join our community through to your graduation and life outside of the University, we work to empower you at every step of the way. SCA is a community that, like you, understands how our background can greatly influence how we experience life at university — no less one as big and distinguished as ours. Often this may lead us to question our sense of belonging.

SCA offers a community of familiarity and understanding that allows you to thrive throughout your studies. Diversity, equity and inclusion are rooted in the foundation of the SCA. That means we can ensure all of our community members feel empowered. SCA welcomes students from all backgrounds who share our concerns about prejudice, the lack of diversity and what we can do to combat their effects on the student body.

We offer access to exclusive discounts and a spectrum of opportunities, including frequent social events and activities, academic skills training, and workshops on employability. We take a grassroots approach to create safe spaces for open discussion and education on issues pertinent to us and our communities, both locally and globally. Together, we will celebrate your achievements throughout the academic year and support each other through challenging times.

SCA looks forward to welcoming you into our growing community of friends!

Luciana Mena (She/Her),


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