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Green Party Society

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About Us

Rotten Westminster

>99% of scientists agree that human activity is having a negative effect on the Earth's climate. Yet, despite almost unanimous scientific consensus, government action on climate change has been critically inadequate. Austerity has crippled our country since 2010, creating an unambitious economy made worse by Brexit. And with an official opposition who claims “there is not enough money left for anything”, what hope do we have with the current duopoly of British politics?

This is where the Green Party comes in. It represents a real challenge to the status quo, and this was evident by the groundbreaking gains in the 2023 local elections. People are fed up with the state of British politics. Do you feel the same? We are the society for you!

Why should you join the Green Party Society?

Joining our society gives you an exciting insight into how politics works in this country, from a local to a national level. But don't worry, we don't just do politics all the time! Although we are a brand new society for the 2023/24 academic year, we plan to hold regular socials, outsider speaker events, and exciting trips, including to the Annual Green Party Conferences! Here is just a snapshot of what you can expect from the Green Party Society:

  • Regular fun-filled socials where you can meet like-minded people and enjoy Exeter's fantastic nightlife!
  • Collaboration with the Exeter Green Party with opportunities to get involved with canvassing, and perhaps even becoming a paper candidate!
  • Fantastic trips, including the Green Party Conferences and the Eden Project in Cornwall
  • Outsider speaker events (watch this space for a list of speakers!)

Committee Opportunities

As a new society, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved with our committee for the upcoming academic year! Watch this space for more information on what roles are up for election in Autumn!

For just £5, you can enjoy all the benefits of being a University of Exeter Green Party Society member for the 2023/24 academic year and join a passionate and friendly group of students!


The University of Exeter Green Party Society’s aims, and objectives are:

 To give students who feel let down by British politics an opportunity to join an active society representing a party which is serious about making radical change to ensure future generations are protected

 To work closely with the Green Party of England and Wales, and the Green Party of Exeter to increase awareness of the party’s policies and promote awareness of the climate emergency

 To encourage greater student participation in politics

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