Student Action for Refugees (STAR) Society Logo

Student Action for Refugees (STAR) Society

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About Us

Aims and Objectives:


  • To host guest speaking events and interactive debates amongst leading experts in the field, refugees, students and charities.
  • To hold awareness campaigns on and outside of campus promoting positive mindsets towards refugees and advancing refugee rights.
  • To develop a stronger community sentiment amongst members by organising a greater number of socials including charity gigs, film screenings and pub quizzes.
  • To raise funds for local charities like Refugee Support Devon and inform students about the various volunteering opportunities such organisations have to offer.
  • To cooperate with other Exeter University societies in the hope of hosting joint events in aid of the refugee cause.


STAR is the national network of student groups working to improve the lives of refugees in the UK by:

- Promoting positive images of refugees

- Volunteering for local refugee projects and working directly with refugees

- Fundraising for local, national and international charities

- Campaigning to raise awareness of the reality of refugees

We are of a network of over 30 universities who also have a STAR society working to improve the lives of refugees and changing attitudes towards them. To do this, we will be focusing on two main approaches: awareness and action.

Awareness is crucial; many people are unaware of the issues surrounding refugees, and many others are ill-informed and hold misconceived ideas. Part of our mission will be to raise awareness of such issues and to better inform people about the situation in terms of the reality for refugees, such as destitution and law preventing most refugees from finding paid work in the UK. We hope to do this in a variety of ways, from guest speakers, film screenings and exhibitions of refugees’ art and volunteers’ photos to campus stunts and working with various media to put out a campaign.

Action covers everything from fundraising to working directly with local refugees; we are even looking into to doing a large funraiser such as a group expedition this year. Examples of work you will be able to get involved with ranges from quiz, comedy and visiting speaker nights put on to raise funds, to teaching English, arranging a clothes collection and organising your own fundraising event.

Whether you’re interested in lending a hand at a few events, running a weekly youth club for children or just want to have fun, every member counts and will make a significant difference. And not only will you make a real difference, you will actually see the results of your effort and meet people from all over the world, learn their stories and have loads of fun while doing so.

For more info, check out

If you're joining online then please remember to join our Facebook group, 'Exeter University STAR Members' to stay updated through the year.










Group Awards

Guild Awards 2023 - The Collaboration Award - Shortlisted

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