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Paediatrics Society

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About Us

Aims and Objectives:

  • To ensure members of the society have the opportunity to attend a number of paediatric teaching sessions to aid their academic learning.
  • To organise our annual conference to help members learn about a career in paediatrics.
  • To ensure we help our members develop the right interpersonal skills, invaluable in all paediatric settings.

Exeter Paediatrics Society (PaedSoc) aims to bring together all those interested in Paediatrics and promote their learning and access to opportunities on a local and national level. We do this through running regular teaches, creating opportunities for volunteering within the community and promoting wider opportunities and resources that we become aware of.

What the society has to offer you:

  1. AMK teaches run by clinical year students
  2. Regular teaches by Paediatric consultants (always very informative and entertaining)
  3. Careers evening
  4. Subsidised tickets to national conferences
  5. Fundraising events throughout the year

And lots more…











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