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About Us
EXEterminate! We're a group of like-minded fans of the world’s longest running sci-fi show who meet up, watch old and new episodes, run exciting socials, and express their love for the Doctor’s adventures in time and space.
Our Aims:
- To provide a space for Doctor Who fans, old and new, to discuss their love for the show and have a FANTASTIC time!
- To offer an entryway into the show for newer fans (or fans who haven’t watched the show in a while).
- To put on weekly screenings for both classic and modern Doctor Who, showing the vast breadth of the show’s 60-year history.
- To have introductions before each screening, giving context behind the stories and the eras in which they were made.
- To put on fortnightly socials (such as quizzes and trips away) that give fans the opportunity to spend time together.