Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Services Logo

Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Services

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About Us

Aims and Objectives:

  • Promote awareness for public affairs of Hong Kong, China and the world
  • Contribute back to the local and Hong Kong community through social service events and activities.


HKPASS stands for Hong Kong Public Affairs and Social Service Society. It was first established by a group of Hong Kong students in LSE fourteen years ago. HKPASS has since then expanded to over 20 universities across the UK.

EXHKPASS was established in 2011 with the aim to promote public awareness of public affairs in Hong Kong, China, and the world, and also to give back to the communities we live in through social service. With these core values held in mind, the previous committee members of EXHKPASS have worked to serve EXHKPASS and we, the 2023-2024 committee, hopes and believes that we will carry this goal further.

The essence of our Public Affairs department is to provide a platform for our members to participate in debates and discussions. Throughout the coming year, we will organise regular discussions and a parliamentary-style debate tournament as our main event for the year. Another privilege EXHKPASS members will have is the access to inter-university PASS forums, debates, and a range of other discussion-based activities; as our society will be taking day or overnight trips to other cities to take part in PASS events that are hosted by other universities.

The main project our Social Service department organises include a computer class for elderly people on campus and SmART Club where we do arts and craft with children in a local school here in Exeter. Through these projects, we have built a long and friendly relationship with a local social service centre and the local schools. Additionally, our Social Service department also fundraises for various charities through food sales and other events.







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