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Space Exe

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About Us

Aims and Objectives:

  • To create a space for students interested in space and astronomy to socialise and work together.
  • To give our members opportunities to work on innovative space-related projects.
  • To promote astronomy and space science interests to the wider student body and general public through our outreach events.

Space Exe is the best society in Exeter for those interested in astronomy, rocketry or anything else space-related.

We were founded in 2015 as a society dedicated to working on exciting practical projects, such as the XRT-C, a currently-dormant radio telescope in Caradon, a high-altitude balloon which we are currently working on and a rocket for the yearly UKSEDS National Rocketry Championship (where we came runners-up in 2020). We strive to give our members unique opportunities for hands-on experience in astronomy and aerospace engineering.

We are also incredibly active in our outreach, both within the university and the wider community. There are opportunities to join our outreach events, which are a great way to gain valuable experience in science communication and share your enthusiasm for space with others. Usual opportunities include our annual attendance of the Sidmouth Science Festival and the Space Exe Conference, our most popular event, which features presentations of leading research. Check out our Youtube Channel for videos of past conferences!

In addition, we run a number of casual social events throughout the year, such as pub trips, dinners or space-themed movie nights for members to relax away from their studies. Finally, we host regular stargazing nights. Our society telescope, S.T.E.V.I.E., is an 8-inch Dobsonian Sky-Watcher that provides fantastic views of the night sky to our members during term time.

If you’d like to be involved in any of the work we do, are interested in space or just want to socialise with like-minded people, then this is definitely the right place for you!

Follow our socials to keep up to date and get involved with us! 

Instagram - @spaceexesoc 

WhatsApp - 

Discord -

Stay Spacey!

- The Space Exe Committee.







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