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Shakespeare Company

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About Us

Aims and Objectives:


  • Run 3 large-scale productions and two 48hr plays throughout the year.
  • Run a series of smaller projects that our members can get involved with. These include socials, fundraisers and workshops!
  • Open to new talent and new ideas, giving you the opportunity to build up your theatrical experience and be creative with Early Modern theatre.


Here at ShakeCo, we have a focus on Shakespeare and his contemporaries - recent productions include Much Ado About Nothing and King John!  We look forward to working on so many more exciting shows over the coming year!

We run three major shows each year:

Term 1: The first show of the year will either be on campus or in a ‘Found Space’ venue. With the show being rehearsed in a matter of weeks, this is a fantastic way to work collaboratively and intensively with a dedicated team.

Term 2: The largest of our three main shows, the term 2 show has the longest rehearsal period and is often a well-known Shakespeare show with a large cast and budget.

Term 3: Our summer show is a fantastic way to round off the year!  Term 3 shows have been, in the past, a diverse range of Shakespearean shows from As You Like It to Julius Caesar!

We run a 48hr play in Term 1 and Term 2.  '48 hour plays' are rehearsed, produced, and finally performed over a 48hr intensive period.   In the past we have done Hamlet, Antony and Cleopatra and King Lear as our 48 hour shows.

To be kept up to date on all of our shows and other exciting activities, follow us on Instagram. We're always looking for ideas and proposals, so if there is something Shakespearian you have always wanted to do, let us know! We are always open to new talent and new ideas, giving you the opportunity to build up your theatrical experience.

If you want to get in contact with us, you can talk to any of our committee members directly, or message via the Facebook or Instagram pages.




Group Awards

Guild Awards 2023 - The Sustainability Award - Shortlisted

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