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Socialist Students Society

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About Us

Aims and Objectives:

  • To be an active, leftist, and progressive movement on campus, in Exeter city, and wherever else the society may be present
  • To learn, practice and discuss the values, beliefs and realities of Socialism in modern society
  • To learn from, assist, and celebrate movements which spread liberty, empower the people, or otherwise strive towards social progress


Exeter Socialist Students is a non-affiliated political society that aims to aid students and workers and fight for social justice. As a non-denominational leftist group, we aim to be an inclusive safe space for all – regardless of your political position or level of knowledge. So whether you’re a diehard anarchist, hardcore Marxist, or just fed up with the UK's swing to the far right, we’re the society for you.

Our society participates regularly in campus politics, ranging from activity on the Guild council to demonstrations and debates, recently helping to organise direct action to aid the UCU strike for better working conditions and equal pay. We have also hosted events on the importance of issues such as union membership among young people and tackling the rise of fascism, hosted talks on the histories of regions such as Yemen and Northern Ireland. We have also invited guest speakers from unions, environmental campaign groups, and academics, encouraging people to get more educated and more involved outside of student politics. We enjoy strong links with societies and organisations interested in activism and social justice, such as Feminist Society, Friends of Palestine, LGBTQ+ Society, and Students of Colour - often supporting their campaigns and events however we can. In the past our society was also pivotal in the formation of Exeter Students Support the UCU Strikes, who supported their teachers and lecturers on the picket lines and occupied the university's administration building for 11 days in solidarity in March of 2018, and continued occupations (such as the 7-day Peter Chalk occupation in November and December of 2019) and presence on the picket line throughout the academic year 2019/20.

We have events every Wednesday, after which we usually head to the pub for casual discussion. We feel that we can offer a lot to all students, both politically and socially, and we hope to see you soon!

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