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LEGO Society

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About Us

What do we do?

This is LEGO Society, and it’s our second year running!

We host a variety of weekly socials, such as Chill Builds, where we provide LEGO you can build with while chatting to other people, and more competitive challenge events, such as timed building competitions, stop-motion nights, and more! So if you want to meet fellow LEGO enthusiasts, or merely unwind after a long week of lectures with some casual LEGO building - come along!

Even better, buy a membership - the money you give us goes directly into buying more LEGO for the society!

Who are we?

President: Simba Joy
Vice-President: Kit Rodrigues-Ali
Treasurer: John Deacon
General Secretary: Juwairiyyah Patel
Social Secretary: {Position Available}

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