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Model United Nations Society

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About Us

Exeter University Model United Nations Society (ExMUN) is a society dedicated to debating international affairs from the perspective of countries within the United Nations. We follow the same procedures and formal discursive style of the UN, with focus on nations’ own policies and stances, rather than presenting our own opinions. This makes us a society that values critical thinking and research-fuelled talking points. Join us to develop your debating skills, widen your political knowledge, and be a part of a friendly and inclusive community of globally minded students!

ExMUN is a dynamic society, offering a diverse range of events over each term that are guaranteed to be of interest to a wide selection of students. 

Examples include:

  • DEBATES- In our friendly weekly sessions we will train you up in the rules of debate used by the UN, and give you the opportunity to show off your skills through debates, discussing a variety of topics spanning current social and political affairs, as well as historical events.
  • CONFERENCES - We also offer the chance to attend a variety of MUN conferences with other universities, both nationally and internationally. Here you can debate competitively with like-minded people whilst networking, bonding with others, and winning prestigious awards. 
  • CRISIS – Crises are fast-paced and dynamic simulations of historical and political events, where delegates try to solve difficult problems by thinking quickly and outwitting their opponents. Recent topics have included the American Revolution, the Death of Stalin, the Meiji Restoration and Game of Thrones.
  • OTHER EVENTS - Alongside these events we also run regular socials, collaborative events, and Drinks and Diplomacy debates.

Exeter Model United Nations is a great accompaniment to any degree programme. The skills it demonstrates are relevant to a wide range of degrees. We also welcome a range of both MUN veterans and first timers, with resources available and regularly updated to support all members.

We look forward to seeing you and hope you will share our interest in continuing to build a thriving diplomatic community here at Exeter!

Follow us on Instagram [@exetermodelun] and Facebook [@exetermodelun] for regular updates. Please don’t be afraid to message us!








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