Tropical Medicine and Global Health Society

Society Registrations submitted on May 15, 2024

Society Description

The practice of medicine beyond our own healthcare system is seldom approached within medical school. Hence, we would like to provide educational resources through which students can expand their knowledge of tropical infection and clinical practice within resource-poor environments.

  • To provide tropical medicine teaching through free events, including regular teaches throughout the year. We hope to cover rarely approached topics and content related to the practice of medicine within a multitude of geographical locations and clinical environments.
  • To provide additional AMK support, via focused preparatory teaching sessions.
  • To invite a variety of guest speakers to be involved, enabling students to form a diverse range of international links that may offer further opportunities in education and research.
  •  Fundraise for charities providing humanitarian aid, such as Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF.

Registration Updates

  • This Registration has passed

  • Registration moved to a Student Vote

    This registration needs at least 20 student voters by 14:18 27th Jun 2024 to pass.
  • Registration in review

  • Registration created

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