Society Registrations

Our Society Registration process facilitates students in forming new societies.



Do you have an idea for a new society or want to bring back a society that is presently inactive? Our society registration process is here to facilitate you in doing just that!

Whether it's just you and a few friends coming together to share an interest or something more formalised, forming a society is a great way to find others with that shared interest.

This process can also be used to re-register societies that have gone inactive. A list of inactive societies can be found here.

Registration guidance can be downloaded here.

Registration Process

Step one: Create an idea and appoint your team - a society needs to have at least 3 committee members including a President and Treasurer.

Step two: Submit an idea by selecting "Application form" on the left hand menu and complete the application form.

Step three: Application will be reviewed by the Activities team.

Step four: Committee members will be invited to meet with the Activities team to discuss plans and objectives.

Step five: Approved applications will be listed on the website to gather support. For an application to succeed it will need to gather 20 votes within 21 days.

Step six: Once a society gathers the required number of votes, it will become viable for registration. Our team will be in touch confirm your registration and let you know the next steps.

Active registrations

Presentation is an inevitable skill that is required at some point in a students' unviersity career with assignments submitted in the format of presentation, some requiring public speaking skills. Our main goal is to provide a safe space for students to experiment with their speeches and presentations before such activities. We also endeavour to bridge the gap between shy students and societies that are often perceived as intimidating, providing a non-judgmental space where individuals can learn and improve their public speaking skills.
Date created
Jan 15, 2025
Last Update
Never Updated
Student Vote
Medswim is a vibrant community for medical students who share a passion for swimming. Medswim will be based at St Luke's Pool, and will include weekly swim sessions. This will be an inclusive society where every level of swimmer will be accommodated for.
Date created
Jan 22, 2025
Last Update
Never Updated

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