Pickleball Society

Society Registrations submitted on Apr 16, 2024

Society Description

 Aims and objectives:

 - Encourage inactive students to maintain some level of physical activity in a fun, friendly and uncompetitive environment

 - Integrate students from all year groups and backgrounds through social events as well as the sessions themself

 - Pave the way for the future of UK Pickleball in becoming one of the first universities in the UK to offer opportunities to play 

 - Mixed society – create less of a division between male and female sports 

 - Intend to make it an extremely approachable club and social environment – less daunting for freshers compared to other sports with reputations of intimidation

 - Focus more on the enjoyment aspect of playing sport - with the future potential of building a competitive side

Registration Updates

  • Majority Agree

    This Registration reached quorum and had more students agree than disagree to it.

    Agree: 26
    Disagree: 0
  • This Registration has passed

  • Registration moved to a Student Vote

    This registration needs at least 20 student voters by 15:40 13th Jun 2024 to pass.
  • Registration in review

  • Registration created

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