Society Description
We would like to restart this society as it is an extremely valuable resource for those currently studying Portuguese and any native speakers attending the university as it offers a place to have discussions in Portuguese and offer help and advice with work. Additionally, as Portuguese is offered as a beginner level, the year abroad must be done in a Portuguese speaking country which can prove to be very difficult, so this society would allow 4th years to share their experiences and any contacts they made to help out the second years. Finally, having a community where people of all years and abilities can come together would encourage more people to try Portuguese and allow them to make friends of all ages and nationalities.
Aims/ objectives:
- help current 2nd years to organise their year abroad
- encourage 1st years to get involved and to improve their Portuguese
- provide a support network for students who may be struggling academically
- expand the Portuguese community by encouraging native speakers to join
Registration Updates
This Registration has passed
Registration moved to a Student Vote
This registration needs at least 20 student voters by 10:10 2nd Feb 2023 to pass.Registration in review
Registration created