Mahjong Society

Society Registrations submitted on Apr 30, 2023

Society Description

The University of Exeter has a very international student body, with a significant number of international students, including a large group of East Asian students. Mahjong is a cultural symbol cherished by all East Asian countries, and I hope that this society can promote East Asian culture to students from both local and other countries, through the inclusive and tolerant environment that is highly valued in the UK. The society can also provide a space for East Asian students to ease their homesickness by playing games from their home country, and give all students a chance to make new friends and have fun beyond their academic studies.

Our society aims are as follows:

To promote Mahjong

To promote East Asian culture

To unite East Asian students and other students

To provide a space for cultural exchange

To provide fun activities for students

To help East Asian students cope with homesickness

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