Real Tennis and Rackets

Society Registrations submitted on May 29, 2023

Society Description

I wish to re-start this society as I believe Real Tennis is an underappreciated sport that many have the opportunity to play once in their life with little opportunity to continue competitively. As a niche sport typically played by a much older audience it is important to introduce more talented players to the sport to allow better access for an incredibly fun and active form of tennis. Being the predecessor to such a popular sport and with plenty of ex-players from their schools, the university has the potential to put a serious and competitive team forwards to the Cambridge Real Tennis (RT) tournament every march.

Aims and Objectives:

• Play Real Tennis and Rackets!

• Increase membership to a healthy and sustainable level allowing the society continue as it has in previous years.

• Utilise the closest courts available to Exeter such as Bridport in order to reduce travel times. (Historically this has been 1.5hrs)

• Setup interuniversity matches with other universities in the southwest.

• Create a larger social media presence for the society allowing for greater exposure to the University.

• Provide socials for Committed members in order to enjoy the benefits we gain from sponsors.

• Provide professional training to those that want it in order to progress the University team.

• Have Fun!!

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