ABBA society

Society Registrations submitted on Apr 28, 2024

Society Description

After going to the ABBA related freshers events together we felt like we had known each other for years. We want to provide as many opportunities as possible for people to make new friends, strengthen existing friendships and settle into uni life, and we believe ABBA can enable this. 

Our aims and objectives are below:

  • Bring people together and help friendships form.
  • Provide a safe and welcoming space where everyone can be themselves.
  • Run and execute a range of fun and accessible activities.
  • Share our love for ABBA. 

Registration Updates

  • This Registration has passed

  • Registration moved to a Student Vote

    This registration needs at least 20 student voters by 15:44 13th Jun 2024 to pass.
  • Registration in review

  • Registration created

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